
Authors: Atkinson, Judy

Aboriginal women comprise almost 50% of all women in custody, and in 1987, Aboriginal women were the victims of 79% of all chargeable homicides in the Northern Territory. They have […]

Authors: Keating, Paul

In this speech launching the United Nations International Year for the World’s Indigenous People, delivered in Redfern on 10 December 1992, the Australian Prime Minister argues that reconciliation with Australia’s […]

This article describes the approach taken by the Coen Local Justice Group in central Cape York to addressing recurrent family violence offending at a local level. The Group’s approach involves […]

Authors: Balgi, Teena

This interview with Winsome Matthews, chairperson of the New South Wales Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee, focuses on the implementation of the Committee’s new Aboriginal Justice Plan. The Plan involves a […]

The Mount Theo-Yuendumu Substance Misuse Aboriginal Corporation and associated diversionary programs are the Yuendumu community’s current best strategy for dealing with substance misuse among its young people. This article describes […]

This report of an unannounced inspection of Eastern Goldfields Regional Prison (WA), which is one of four “Aboriginal prisons” in Western Australia, finds the prison to be a distressing place, […]

Publishers: Queensland Government

This document consists of ten information sheets (each with separate title) published electronically and bound together. The information sheets describe the Ten Year Partnership, which is a Queensland Government proposal […]

Authors: Cunneen, Chris

This report provides an overview of the impact of different kinds of crime prevention programs on Aboriginal communities throughout Australia. The report discusses crime levels in Indigenous communities; major crime […]

This report documents and evaluates the work undertaken by the Broken Hill and Menindee Rural Crisis Intervention Projects in finding community solutions to Aboriginal family violence. The report presents referral […]

Authors: Coorey, Lyla

This report was compiled in response to concerns raised by Indigenous people about the prevalence of child sexual abuse in Australia. The report is a preliminary attempt to document the […]