
Jump to: navigation, search The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC) (1987?1991) was a Royal Commission appointed by the Australian Government in October 1987 to study and report […]

This paper is submitted by Mackay and District Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Legal Aid Services (the Corporation) to Indigenous Deaths in Custody Summit held in Queensland in […]

While this is an older report it remains a key reference point. It identifies numerous risk factors for Indigenous youth and their contact with the legal system in all forms. […]

This guide documents the data of four studies, each of which investigated an aspect of the broader context of aboriginal deaths in custody. The first study (601) surveyed the characteristics […]


This Handbook was published in 1990 to strengthen and draw on the special abilities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities. It recognises and encourages community beliefs, customs and way […]

The NSW Women in Prison Task Force Report was released in 1985. It contained 269 recommendations. Central to the report was the view that the number of women in prison […]

Contains the data which feeds into the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework reports. Data is specific to the Indigenous population and covers the 68 measures of the […]

Collection of data from publicly-funded treatment services in all states and territories. Provides data on clients alcohol and other drug treatment services, including drugs of concern, types of treatment received, […]

Data from the first Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey, obtained by survey of Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islander people who were usual residents of private dwellings accross […]

Data on causes of deaths in Australia, compiled from individual state and territory Registrars of Births, Deaths and Marriages, supplemented by information from the National Coroners Information Service. Data includes […]