
The IJC has released a podcast series called: INITIATIVE Here you’ll find regular conversations with leading experts on a wide range of initiatives and strategies, including the role of culture […]

The IJC has released a podcast series called: INITIATIVE Here you’ll find regular conversations with leading experts on a wide range of initiatives and strategies, including the role of culture […]

Authors: , , , , ,

Indigenous Australians are imprisoned at the highest rate of any people in the world (Anthony, 2017) and at a rate 16 times higher than non-Indigenous Australians (Australian Bureau of Statistics, […]


Research indicated that justice interventions and heightened levels of supervision can increase the likelihood of future offending for low-risk populations and reduce the likelihood of offending for high-risk youth. Therefore, […]


Closing the Gap began in response to a call for governments to commit to achieving equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in health and life expectancy within a […]

Authors: Clark, Scott

This literature review addresses the overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the Canadian criminal justice system. It examines the extent of overrepresentation, its underlying causes, and some initiatives taken to address […]

In 2018, the Australian Law Reform Commission’s Inquiry into the Incarceration Rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples concluded that a cycle of reoffending can result for those prisoners […]

In 2018, the Australian Law Reform Commission’s Inquiry into the Incarceration Rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples concluded that a cycle of reoffending can result for those prisoners […]


The Victorian Government Aboriginal Affairs Report is a chance to consider how we have tracked against out commitment to improving outcomes for Aboriginal Victorias as measured against the Victorian Aboriginal […]