
Authors: KPMG

KPMG estimates the changes in Bourke during 2017, corresponding to the operation of the Maranguke Justice Reinvestment Project, resulted in a gross impact of $3.1 million (with operational costs of […]

The Man Box is the first study that focuses on the attitudes to manhood and the behaviours of young Australian men aged 18 to 30. It involved an online survey […]

Publishers: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Data Linkage Series, 24

Between 1 July 2013 and 30 June 2017, young Indigenous Australians aged 10–17 were 17 times as likely as their non-Indigenous counterparts to have been in both the child protection […]


The Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department’s written submission to the Review of the Indigenous Legal Assistance Program (ILAP).

The Deaths Inside database contains detailed descriptions and categorisation of Indigenous deaths in custody from January 1 2008 onwards. The bulk of the data is compiled from coronial inquests, with […]


Aboriginal overrepresentation in the criminal justice system in NSW is a significant problem. There are many challenges that contribute to Aboriginal overrepresentation and there aren’t any simple solutions. A significant […]


The Annual Report includes updated statistics on Indigenous offending and reoffending in Queensland, as well as broader discussions on Indigenous justice programs.

The Law and Justice Foundation has developed a new database for the Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) Ltd to assist with planning their Criminal Law Practice services. About the project In […]

Publishers: Australian Institute of Criminology, Trends and Issues, 557

This article reports on a study undertaken in three Indigenous communities in the West Kimberley region of Western Australia (WA) intended to develop diversionary strategies for young people with fetal […]