

The Final Report was tabled by government in the Australian Parliament on 29 September 2023. The Royal Commission has made 222 recommendations on how to improve laws, policies, structures and […]

A dedicated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan will work alongside the First Action Plan. It has been developed in genuine partnership with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander […]


The Yoorrook for Justice report is the culmination of Yoorrook’s year-long inquiry into Victoria’s child protection and criminal justice systems. It details extensive systemic injustice, racism, discriminatory laws and policy […]


The Australian Government released a Progress Update on its consideration of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (Disability Royal Commission) final report. The […]


This Outcomes Framework interprets the vision of the National Plan. It paves the way for the next 10 years, to achieve our goal, where Australia is a country in which […]


This research on domestic and family violence (DFV) perpetrator screening and risk assessment by researchers from Griffith University and Monash University examines the views of professionals working in child protection, […]

This data set released by the The Law and Justice Foundation of NSW provides an update incorporating the 2021 ABS Census data. The downloadable resource produced in Excel provides the […]

IJC Year in Review

News 20 December 2022

This year we held two (2) successful presentations on the topics of ‘The Effects of Coercive Control Laws on Indigenous Women and Families‘ and ‘Indigenous Data Sovereignty‘. Both were well […]