
This report outlines the key findings of a research project on a cohort of 2,731 individuals in NSW whose mental health disorders and cognitive disability (MHDCD) diagnoses are known, who […]

This report explores the experiences and aspirations of youth in Wadeye, a remote Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory which has become synonymous with the deviant behaviours of its young […]

This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health, […]

Publishers: James Cook University

This report presents key findings and recommendations based upon research conducted in 2011 by the Indigenous Legal Needs Project (ILNP) in the Northern Territory (NT). he ILNP aims broadly and […]

The Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children (also known as LSIC and Footprints in Time) study collects important information about the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, covering areas […]

This report details the findings of an inquiry by the Select Committee on Youth Suicides in the Northern Territory into the high rate of youth suicide in the Northern Territory […]

Authors: Bartels, Lorana

This article seeks to paint the contemporary picture of Indigenous women in custody in Australia. In particular, the article presents and analyses the most recent data available on prisoner numbers, […]

This is a comprehensive statistical overview, largely at the national level, of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and welfare. Focussing on topics considered important for the health of Australia’s […]

This report contains the results of the review conducted by the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia of the coronial practices and procedures followed in the state. The Commission consulted […]

A free service initiated by the Magistrates’ Court has been established in Victoria to support Koori men and women involved with family violence matters in the court system. The pilot […]