
Authors: Williamson, Genevieve, ,

This paper discusses the benefits to Indigenous people obtaining and retaining a driver’s licence including improved mobility, road safety, health and well being. It outlines barriers to obtaining and retaining […]

Publishers: NSW Ombudsman

The New South Wales’ Ombudsman findings and recommendations following an examination of the concerns raised by the Bourke and Brewarrina Aboriginal Community Working Parties about service delivery to vulnerable children […]

Authors: Corben, Simon

The Indigenous offender population has continued to increase over recent years in terms of both numbers and imprisonment rates. This paper examines the impact of a number of data definitions […]

Authors: Moore, Elizabeth

The study is to compare police-referred youth justice conferences (P-YJCs), court referred youth justice conferences (C-YJCs) and Children’s Court (CC) matters on the time to finalisation (i.e., the number of […]

Authors: Andrews, Rikki

Between 1999 and 2003 traffic and vehicle regulatory offences accounted for 11.9 per cent of recorded offences among Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara, a remote Aboriginal (APY) community in South Australia. The […]

Authors: Duncan, Bronwyn

Around 30000 people live in the diverse region of the Kimberley in Western Australia, a significant proportion of whom are Indigenous. Both Indigenous and non-Indigenous members of Kimberly communities drink […]

The Government’s response sets out where action has already been taken against specific recommendations of the ‘Doing time – time for doing’ report (the Report) and provides an indication of […]

It has been 20 years since the report of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody which drew attention to the alarmingly disproportionate levels of Indigenous people in custody. […]

In 2010, five white men were convicted of manslaughter for their part in an attack on an Aboriginal man that led to his death. Each was sentences to custodial terms […]

This report contains detailed analyses underlying the summary data presented in the policy report Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2008 report, produced by the Department of Health […]