
In 2002, Australian governments committed themselves collectively to overcoming the disadvantage experienced by Indigenous Australians. As part of this commitment governments agreed to a regular public report on progress. This […]

Publishers: Queensland Government

Just Futures (This Strategy) aims to improve safety in Queensland’s Indigenous communities and to reduce the over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as victims and offenders and in […]

New Zealand has a very high rate of imprisonment when contrasted with other comparable countries. Nevertheless New Zealand also has a number of initiatives and projects which seek to engage […]

Internationally, sentencing research has largely neglected the impact of Indigeneity on sentencing outcomes. Using data from Western Australia’s higher courts for the years 2003-05, we investigate the direct and interactive […]

Authors: Brennan, Shannon
Publishers: Statistics Canada

This article looks at the prevalence and nature of self-reported violence against Aboriginal women in the ten provinces.

Correctional authorities in Canada have sought to ‘aboriginalise’ prisons by incorporating aboriginal cultural aspects into formal correctional programming. The article analyses the contradictions evident in current methods of risk-based management […]

This study examines sentencing outcomes for Indigenous and non-Indigenous adult offenders convicted in the lower courts of South Australia, New South Wales and Western Australia between 2005 and 2007. The […]

The Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children (also known as LSIC and Footprints in Time) study collects important information about the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, covering areas […]

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner is required to report annually to the Attorney-General regarding the exercise and enjoyment of human rights by Australia’s Indigenous peoples. The […]

This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health, […]