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On 2 November the IJC held a Forum on Indigenous Data Sovereignty and had the privilege to hear from the following speakers.  The recording of Session One can be viewed […]

This report provides important data to enable the NT Government and our partners to work together to address long-standing inequities faced by Aboriginal people. This second year of reporting shows […]

Closing the Gap began in 2006 as a response to a call for governments to commit to achieving equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in health and life […]

On 7 September 2022 the IJC hosted the above event and the recording is now available to be viewed. An overview of the content of the recording is as follows: […]


This report examines the gulf between sentencing knowledge and practice, and makes recommendations regarding the measures that need to be undertaken to bridge that gap, so that law-makers can bring […]


This document is the first Annual Report on the progress of the Australian Local Government Association’s (ALGA) Closing the Gap Implementation Plan. Under the National Agreement, all state and territory […]

This article presents a select literature review on evaluations of yarning circles with Indigenous adults in the Australian criminal justice system, in both community and prison contexts. It looks at […]

2 November 2022 – 1:15 pm to 5:00 pm This year we are fortunate to present our Forum topic of ‘Indigenous Data Sovereignty’ at the Australian Institute of Criminology’s Annual […]


What is the Bugmy Bar Book? Launched in 2019, the Bugmy Bar Book is a free, evidence-based resource hosted on the website of the NSW Public Defenders. The project publishes accessible summaries […]


This document summarises the Productivity Commission’s latest data update on Closing the Gap and details NSW’s efforts in 2021–22. It sets out the progress of ongoing and new initiatives in […]