
Changes to the Australian family law system in 2006 were designed to reduce separations, encourage greater involvement by both parents in children’s lives, protect children from violence and abuse, reduce […]

This report contains detailed analyses underlying the summary data presented in the policy report Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2008 report, produced by the Department of Health […]

In May 2008 the Government established an eleven-member national council which was tasked was to provide the Government with advice on the development of an evidence-based national plan of action […]

This publication provides a picture of the social and emotional wellbeing of Indigenous Australians using data from the 2004-05 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS) and a […]

The Repeat Offenders Database, which has been collated by the New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, offers a unique opportunity to analyse data quality issues for an […]

Policy development in Indigenous affairs often proceeds with dated estimates of population and with little understanding of the likely impact of changing demographic parameters on future Indigenous population size and […]

Authors: Biddle, Nicholas

According to the 2006 Census, around three-quarters of Indigenous Australians live in regional areas or major cities. This represents a small, but noticeable increase from previous census years, especially in […]

In the United Nations Development Programme Gender-related Development Index, Australia ranks in the top five across 179 countries, suggesting that women are achieving similar outcomes to men in life expectancy, […]

The Council of Australian Governments endorsed the ‘National framework for protecting Australia’s children: protecting children is everyone’s business, 2009-2020’ on 30 April 2009. The national framework will operate through a […]

Australia’s children deserve a safe, healthy and happy childhood, and must be able to grow up nourished and supported in loving and caring environments. Over recent years the reported levels […]