
Authors: Johnson, Sean

The exemption from compliance with the provisions that regulate incorporated legal practices in the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld) by incorporated community legal services and incorporated Aboriginal and Torres Strait […]

Authors: Cooke, Michael

The main players involved in the administration of criminal justice in respect of Indigenous people of a non-English speaking background effectively combine to prop up a dysfunctional system where unrecognised […]

The overrepresentation of Aboriginal young people in the criminal justice system is an ongoing social problem. In 2005, Aboriginal young people accounted for 52 percent of 10 to 17 year […]

The life expectancy of Indigenous Australians is about 17 years lower than that of the general Australian population. Using Australian Bureau of Statistics mortality data, this study, which aimed to […]

Authors: Billings, Peter

The design and implementation of the Commonwealth government’s intervention into Northern Territory Indigenous communities and the Queensland government’s welfare reform trials in Cape York have been presented as radical departures […]

In September 2006 the Northern Territory Government announced a plan under the NT Alcohol Framework to address ongoing alcohol issues in Alice Springs, resulting in the development of the Alice […]

The 2006 New Zealand Crime and Safety Survey (NZCASS) is the first to enable a detailed analysis of the Maori experience of crime victimisation. Because the NZCASS focuses on victims […]

Authors: Wood, Darryl

This report considers research on the problem of crime resulting from alcohol and other drug abuse in American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities. It provides a review of published […]

The two legal aid services undertook research into policing under the Northern Territory intervention, particularly in a group of 14 communities that were provided with a police station. They found […]

This study, commissioned via a grants process, investigates factors that correlate with gambling-related problems among the Indigenous population. The report conducts a literature review on gambling and Indigenous people, examines […]