
This report outlines the findings of a review of Correctional Services Canada’s progress in meeting its strategic plans and obligations pertaining to the Aboriginal offending population in certain key areas. […]

The Senate Select Committee on Regional and Remote Indigenous Communities was established in March 2008 and is required to report to the Senate twice yearly until the end of the […]

This report summarises the work of the Committee on regional and remote Indigenous communities. It focuses upon Western Australia and New South Wales and examines the justice system, a variety […]

The South Australia Police Future Directions Strategy, published in 2003, committed its members to maximising participation of diverse community groups in policing programs and strategies. To that end, South Australia […]

In 2002, Australian governments committed themselves collectively to overcoming the disadvantage experienced by Indigenous Australians. As part of this commitment governments agreed to a regular public report on progress. The […]

Publishers: Queensland Government

This strategy sets out the Queensland Government’s whole of government approach to reducing domestic and family violence over the period 2009-2014. This focused on five areas of reform: prevention; early […]

The National Indigenous Law and Justice Framework was developed by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) as a national approach to address serious and complex issues that exist for Indigenous […]

In Australia, research investigating Indigenous differences in sentencing is limited. This study examines the impact of offenders’ Indigenous status on the decision to imprison and length of imprisonment in South […]

Authors: Clare, Jillian

Our legal system was largely inherited from Britain, so it is, therefore based in European-Western cultural and legal traditions. Alongside this, and over many thousands of years, Australian Indigenous communities […]