
Circle sentencing is an alternative method of sentencing Aboriginal offenders which involves the offender’s community in the sentencing process. This bulletin considers whether people who participate in circle sentencing show […]

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) was commissioned by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) to evaluate the effectiveness of the Council of Australian Governments’ […]

The notion of ‘closing the gaps’ has attracted considerable attention in Australia during the early days of the new Rudd government elected in November 2007. This is partly because while […]

This report relates to the incidence of child sexual abuse on Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands, its nature, extent and consequences on the health and well-being of individuals and the […]

The policy research aim of this research is to understand the place, house and home needs of Indigenous peoples and how to address these needs through housing and other service […]

A key feature of housing careers in Australia has traditionally been the strong correlation between life stage and dwelling type. The non-Indigenous expectation in general terms has been one of […]

Authors: Calma, Tom

This report provides an investigation of early intervention and diversionary practices aimed at preventing offending behaviour in Indigenous young people with a cognitive disability and/or a mental health problem. Specifically, […]

Although the ACT has the lowest rate of imprisonment of any Australian jurisdiction, and one of the lowest rates of Indigenous imprisonment, Indigenous people are still significantly overrepresented in the […]

Authors: Heske, Caroline

Aboriginal interpreters in the criminal justice system perform a demanding, thankless, even dangerous job. They are essential to justice for Aboriginal victims and defendants alike, but their scarcity impedes efforts […]

Authors: Cunneen, Chris

When the ‘Bringing them home’ report was released in 1997, the focus was very much on the issue of the moral and legal responsibilities for past government policies of forced […]