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In this special edition of the Australian Indigenous Law Review, the range of Australian jurisdictions’ law and practice relating to coronial recommendations are considered, with a particular focus on Indigenous […]

This directory was published in 2006 to improve access to civil law services for Aboriginal people in NSW and the ACT. In early 2008, an evaluation project was set up […]

Authors: Matruglio, Tania

The Magistrates Early Referral into Treatment (MERIT) program is a New South Wales court-based scheme targeting adult defendants appearing before a participating Local Court who have a demonstrable illicit drug […]

Authors: Snowball, Lucy

Conferencing and cautioning are used as diversionary alternatives in the juvenile justice system and there is evidence to suggest they reduce reoffending. As Indigenous young people are overrepresented in the […]

This report provides an estimate of the annual cost savings to the Western Australian Government of proactively diverting young offenders from the court system and from detention in remand in […]

The Government aims to ensure that people will be safe and their property secure, the justice system is a key enabler in achieving this goal. In it’s operations, Parliament stated […]

The overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the criminal justice system has long been a concern. Research has shown levels of substance use to be high among Indigenous offenders. The link […]

As a result of the adopted model of the Family Home Visiting, in which nurses conduct home visits with Indigenous Cultural Consultants for Aboriginal clients in South Australia, all families […]

Authors: Cox, Dorinda

The publicity given recently to allegations of sexual assault of women in Indigenous communities in Australia has highlighted the urgent need for culturally appropriate services for the survivors. The author […]

Authors: Sanders, William

This paper explores the complex and never-ending dialectic between equality and difference in Australian Indigenous affairs. It begins with examples from debates over the inclusion of Aboriginal people in the […]