
The Prevention, Diversion, Rehabilitation and Restorative Justice Program works to divert Indigenous Australians away from adverse contact with the legal system and provides activities that will rehabilitate and support Indigenous […]

This review examines published and unpublished literature about interventions designed to combat volatile substance misuse (VSM), defined as the deliberate inhalation of a volatile substance in order to achieve a […]

Publishers: Department of Justice

This report offers an overview of research that has been conducted in the area of Indigenous mental health, particularly as it relates to the mental health of those who come […]

This Background Note offers a brief guide to statistical descriptions of Indigenous Australians’ socioeconomic situation. It looks first at the context of inputs and outcomes, then at works that offer […]

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the origins of the concepts of social inclusion and exclusion and of key themes and emerging debates about social […]

Authors: Langton, Marcia

This essay highlights the political pressure and media coverage that culminated in the Commonwealth government’s intervention in Indigenous issues in the Northern Territory in 2007. In it, Langton examines the […]

This is the Hansard transcript of the reply by the Leader of the Opposition, Brendan Nelson, to the historic apology proffered by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on behalf of the […]

Issues of Indigenous disadvantage and dysfunction are before our eyes more frequently and more prominently than ever before. Barely a day goes by without another chilling and heartbreaking story of […]

This article reports on the High Court hearing of the Blue Mud Bay case in early December 2007. The legal question tested in this case is whether Northern Territory fishers […]

Authors: Marchetti, Elena

In the previous issue of this journal, the extent to which the official reports of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC) addressed the problems of Indigenous women […]