
Problems of family violence and the risk of harm to children, including the sexual assault and neglect of children in Indigenous communities, continue to receive heightened media attention and political […]

The Rudd Government’s Australia 2020 Summit has been widely reported on, yet the voice of young indigenous Australians has not often been heard. In this article, the National Indigenous Youth […]

Following the intrusion of non-Indigenous police officers, including a female officer, on a restricted Walpiri ceremony ground in Lajamanu (northern Tanami Desert, Northern Territory), this article highlights the conflict between […]

Intellectual disability (ID), age and Aboriginal status have been independently implicated as risk factors for offending to varying degrees. This study examined the relationship between age, ID and the Indigenous […]

Authors: Wallace, Anne,

Courts and tribunals in Australia are making substantial investments in court technology, in particular, videoconferencing and broadband technology, as a way of delivering justice to remote and regional Australia. While […]

Authors: Eades, Diana

This article identifies some of the major differences between Aboriginal English and General Australian English. It provides some examples which might be helpful for judicial officers communicating with Aboriginal people.

Authors: Dodson, Michael

For six years the author of this article was a special commissioner on the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia inquiry into the recognition of Aboriginal law and culture. The […]

The purpose of this position paper is to define the Territory policy response to the introduction of the Northern Territory Emergency Response (NTER) in June 2007. The NTER has delivered […]

This is the report of the Western Australian Coroner’s inquest into the deaths of 22 Aboriginal people around Fitzroy Crossing in 2006. The inquest was held to explore the reasons […]

The Senate Select Committee on Regional and Remote Indigenous Communities was established in March 2008 and is required to report to the Senate twice yearly until the end of the […]