
Authors: Atkinson, Judy

This presentation contains a series of talking points discussing childhood trauma, including abuse and neglect, and ways of healing. These are the PowerPoint slides used as the basis of a […]

This handbook is designed to assist individuals, families, leaders, services and communities to protect Indigenous children from family violence and child abuse by presenting relevant information about these issues in […]

Australia’s criminal justice system is, for the most part, the model inherited from the British justice system. This model consistently yields high rates of recidivism by Aboriginal and Torres Strait […]

Maori are disproportionately over-represented in criminal justice statistics to an alarming degree. This paper attempts to shed light on why this is so. It examines the issue by considering the […]

Authors: Nicholas, Roger

This report concerns a National Workshop held at Alice Springs in August 2007, which focused on policing responses to alcohol and other substance misuse problems in rural and remote Indigenous […]

Authors: Altman, Jon

In June 2007, the Prime Minister of Australia and the Minister for Indigenous Affairs declared a ‘national emergency’ with eleven measures aimed at combating child abuse and dysfunction in Indigenous […]

Indigenous Australians are proportionately over-represented in the criminal justice system and particularly the prison system. Murri Court is an initiative of the Magistracy in Queensland to sentence Indigenous offenders in […]

In June 2007, the Australian Government responded to the report of the Northern Territory Board of Inquiry into Protection of Aboriginal Children with the announcement of a package of 12 […]

This report, undertaken by the Crime and Misconduct Commission, describes the key findings of the Offending Persons Across the Lifecourse (OPAL) project which examines the risks and needs of Queensland’s […]

This report contains detailed analyses underlying the summary data presented in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2006 report (AHMAC2006). The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health […]