
Since 1999, a number of Indigenous sentencing courts have been established in Australia that use Indigenous community representatives to talk to a defendant about their offending and to assist a […]

The possibility of racial bias in the criminal justice system is a recurring concern in Australia, as it is in other countries with high rates of minority over-representation in prison. […]

Authors: Odello, Marco

At its plenary meeting of 13 September 2007, the General Assembly of the UN adopted the text of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous peoples. The Declaration was not […]

Authors: Young, Mandy

Using the Canadian model of circle healing, especially for child sexual abuse cases, this presentation contains a series of talking points that draw on current research into cultural healing, and […]

Authors: Henry, Ken

This paper, which was presented as the closing keynote address to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Conference held in 2007, reflects on the conference theme of ‘diversity and […]

The presentation discusses the introduction of a dispute resolution service to the Yarrabah community in Queensland. In reducing the barriers to the use of mainstream legal services, the program aimed […]

A collection of 16 conference papers and Powerpoint presentations focussing on improvements to the criminal justice system in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Authors: Hunter, Boyd

Indigenous poverty is clearly entrenched and often different in nature to that experienced by other Australian poor. This paper examines recent evidence on Indigenous poverty and social exclusion and attempts […]

The presentation introduces the idea of cultural safety as the stage following cultural awareness and its importance in healing trauma in indigenous communities. With illustrations from the Stan Daniels Correctional […]

Authors: Jackamos, Andrew

These are the PowerPoint slides used as the basis of a conference paper presented at the ‘Cultural healing in criminal justice service delivery: an identification of best practice and innovation […]