
This program was established by the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC), in collaboration with the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) and the Indigenous Justice Clearinghouse (IJC) and the Justice Policy […]


Justice reinvestment (or ‘JR’) is a framework that emerged in the US around two decades ago. JR aims to decrease imprisonment in those communities from which comparatively high numbers of […]


Justice Canada, in collaboration with the Indigenous and Restorative Justice Subcommittee of the Federal Provincial Territorial (FPT) Restorative Justice Working Group (RJWG), hosted a virtual panel discussion on February 15, […]

Publishers: NSW Parliamentary Library,

In November 2019, the Committee on Children and Young People self-referred an inquiry into the impact on children from having an imprisoned parent. In this report, the policies to support […]


The NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) engaged Inside Policy to design and implement the evaluation of the Youth Koori Court (YKC) process. This report captures the final evaluation […]

In 2017-18, in response to the Bourke Street incident, the Victorian Government changed the bail laws to make it easier to lock people up before criminal charges are finalised. The […]

Authors: Summers, Anne

This report looks at the two choices available to women in Australia who are experiencing domestic violence: to stay in the violent relationship, or to leave. and how these decisions […]

Indigenous women in Australia and New Zealand are disproportionately likely to be incarcerated for violent offences – as well as being victims themselves – of family, domestic and sexual violence […]


Wirkara Kulpa, the Aboriginal Youth Justice Strategy is a first for Victoria and the nation. It has been developed in partnership with the Aboriginal Justice Caucus, the Aboriginal Youth Justice […]


The collective wellbeing of many Indigenous Australian communities has been chronically impaired by colonisation. Colonisation has undermined the fundamental principles that ‘held’ and guided people by their communities’ connections. Social […]