
Authors: Cain, Michael

The Magistrates Early Referral into Treatment (MERIT) program is a New South Wales court-based scheme targeting adult defendants appearing before a participating Local Court who have a demonstrable illicit drug […]

Engaging Aboriginal communities in the context of family violence, drug and alcohol use in rural and remote Aboriginal communities is a huge topic. In this paper, the author focuses on […]

This bulletin reports the main findings of the ‘Participation of Aboriginal people in the MERIT program’ report, released in 2006. The Magistrates Early Referral into Treatment (MERIT) program was developed […]

The Aboriginal Child Sexual Assault Taskforce was established in 2003. ACSAT’s primary aims for this report were to examine child sexual assault in Aboriginal communities, review how government and non-government […]

Family violence mars the lives of a very large number of Indigenous Australians, helping to effectively disable many communities and deny future generations a basic chance for health, happiness and […]

All Australian Governments agree that customary law in no way justifies, authorises or requires violence or sexual abuse against women and children. This media release announces that the Commonwealth is […]

Authors: Taylor, John

There is a compelling need for fresh perspective on the policy implications of Indigenous demographic trends. Current frameworks for considering the structural situation of Indigenous peoples are increasingly focused on […]

Ngaripirliga’ajirri’ is the Tiwi name given to an early intervention program for Tiwi children of primary school age, based on the Exploring Together program. This is the final evaluation report […]

Publishers: Crime Research Centre

The intention of this discussion paper is to explore best practice issues in relation to Aboriginal Community Patrols in Western Australia in the context of crime prevention and community safety. […]