
There is an urgent need to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ standard of living. This report demonstrates that by almost every indicator of wellbeing, Aboriginal and Torres Strait […]

Authors: Penman, Robyn

This study is an initiative of the Australian Government aimed at collecting longitudinal data that will help in the development of better outcomes for Indigenous children. One of the first […]

Cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug in Australia. In November 2004, the Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy agreed to the development of a National Cannabis Strategy to consider […]

The National Inhalant Abuse Taskforce (NIAT) was established by the Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (MCDS) to consider existing initiatives, programs and strategies to address inhalant abuse in Australia and […]

Authors: Harris, Mark
Publishers: Department of Justice

The Koori Court first sat at Shepparton on 7 October 2002, following the passage of the Magistrates’ Court (Koori Court) Act 2002. Six months later the Broadmeadows Koori Court commenced […]

Publishers: Department of Justice

The first phase of the Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA1) was launched in June 2000 and was reviewed four years later. The review recommended that Government and the Koori community renew […]

Publishers: Department of Justice

The Wulgunggo Ngalu Learning Place is a joint initiative of the Victorian Government and the Indigenous community. Due to open in mid 2007 at the former Won Wron Prison site […]

In September 2005 an internal review of the Murri Court was commissioned to assess the court’s effectiveness and whether its operations can be improved with a view to making it […]

An investigation into hearing impairment among Indigenous prisoners in the Victorian correctional system was commissioned by Corrections Victoria. This study tested the hearing status of 109 Victorian Indigenous prisoners at […]

Authors: Auty, Kate

Aboriginal Sentencing Courts are not generally understood as ‘therapeutic jurisprudence’. This essay explores a particular Aboriginal Sentencing Court – the Shepparton Koori Court – from its establishment through its first […]