
Authors: Harris, Mark

The Koori Court model that has been established in Victoria in 2002 arose as a direct consequence of the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement, which was designed to ensure, among other […]

Authors: Temby, Denis

This article discusses the establishment and activities of the Yandeyarra Aboriginal Community Court. Located in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia, the court arose out of the desire of community […]

Family violence and abuse is causing untold damage to the cultures and fabric of Indigenous societies. Like all Australians, Indigenous peoples are entitled to live their lives in safety and […]

Authors: Edney, Richard

The release of this Review provides an assessment of the consequences of dispossession and how they manifest in continuing high rates of Indigenous representation in all stages of the Victorian […]

Authors: Martin, Joanna

This paper describes the work of the Top End Women’s Legal Service (TEWLS), a community legal centre, fully funded by the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department, providing legal advice and representation to […]

This article reports on the trend in western New South Wales that sees young Indigenous people accused of an offence being granted bail on the condition that they relocate to […]

Authors: Hands, Tatum L

This article examines the discussion paper, ‘Aboriginal customary laws’, released by the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia. The discussion paper is the result of five years of research and […]

Authors: Edney, Richard

The decision of R v Fernando remains one of the most influential decisions on the relationship between Aboriginality and sentencing under Australian criminal law. The eight proposed sentencing principles, as […]

Authors: Ross, Randal

It is widely recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience far higher rates of adverse contact with the justice system than other Australians, as well as being one […]

Authors: Pritchard, Bill

Community Justice Centres (CJCs) commenced the implementation of an Indigenous-specific mediation service in 2002 in response to a need identified through community research. An initial pilot for the recruitment and […]