
In 2001, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), in partnership with the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance and other agencies of the Office of Justice […]

Indigenous people are over-represented in the courts in both Australia and Canada. They face special disadvantages in dealing with the courts that have led to the development of special legal […]

This bench book provides NSW judicial officers with statistics and information about the different values, cultures, lifestyles, socio-economic disadvantage and/or potential barriers in relation to full and equitable participation in […]

From December 2000 to October 2006 the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia undertook a detailed inquiry into the recognition of Aboriginal law and culture in Western Australia. Over this […]

This report details the outcomes of a project to help develop prevention and intervention methods for sexually exploited children and youth, particularly Aboriginal children and youth. The report below was […]

Alcohol plays an important role in the Australian economy. It generates substantial employment, retail activity, export income and tax revenue. It also has an important social role and is a […]

The National Drug Strategy – Australia’s Integrated Framework 2004-2009 was set up to improve health, and social and economic outcomes by reducing use of harmful drugs. It is an umbrella […]

Concerned about the likely impacts of heavy cannabis use in rural and remote communities and recognising the need to equip police with advice on ways to work more effectively with […]

This directory has identified evaluations of Indigenous programs undertaken by Australian Governmental departments and key external evaluators. It captures any significant Indigenous-specific evaluations or mainstream evaluations with a prominent Indigenous […]