
Authors: Flynn, Martin

Important authorities such as Neal v The Queen (1982) and R v Fernando (1992) have established that the Aboriginality of a defendant is a relevant consideration when formulating a sentence. […]

Figures for 1999 New South Wales Local Court appearances show that Aboriginal defendants are more likely to be refused bail or have heavier conditions placed upon bail where it is […]

Authors: Edney, Richard

A 1996 amendment to the Canadian Criminal Code aimed to reduce the over representation of Indigenous persons in prison, by requiring judicial officers to take Aboriginality into account in the […]

In 2004 the Australian Government outlined the new federal arrangements for Indigenous affairs based on five key principles: collaboration between Australian Government agencies; leadership from ministers, senior agency staff and […]

It seems clear that child sexual assault is chronically under reported in Indigenous communities and that prosecution levels are low. This article examines the prevalence of child sexual assault in […]

Authors: Gamble, Seranie

This article briefly describes a number of alternative courts for sentencing Indigenous offenders which have been established throughout Australia. The initiatives described are circle sentencing in New South Wales; Koori […]

The Rotorua Second Chance Restorative Justice Programme was selected for re-evaluation by the New Zealand Ministry of Justice so that best practice principles for community-based restorative justice programmes utilising tikanga-based […]

This evaluation assesses the extent to which the Wanganui Community-Managed Restorative Justice Programme (NZ) met the objectives it had set for itself in its 1999 implementation plan. The evaluation was […]

Authors: Gottlieb, Karen

This paper oulines lessons learned from the experiences of four tribal wellness courts in the United States: the Hualapai in Peach Springs, Arizona who had both juvenile and adult wellness […]

Community justice centres (CJCs) were established in New South Wales in 1980 to provide a means of settling the sort of disputes that conventional court based procedures are unable to […]