
Publishers: Department of Justice

The Western Australian Aboriginal Justice Agreement is a partnership framework jointly developed by the Department of Justice, The Department of Indigenous Affairs, the Department of Community Development, the Western Australia […]

The Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Council’s Makin Tracks project, which began in 1999, aimed, among other things, to develop a multi strategy plan for intervention strategies for Aboriginal solvent and […]

This literature review was undertaken as part of a larger project concerned with the development of resources to enhance the education and training of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers […]

Circle sentencing for Aboriginal offenders was introduced in New South Wales on a trial basis at Nowra in February 2002. This article summarises the findings of a review and evaluation […]

The aims of the Derby/West Kimberley project were to increase awareness and understanding of domestic violence in the Derby community; to develop and implement culturally appropriate strategies for the intervention […]

Authors: Stacey, Kathleen

This report presents the findings of an external evaluation of the Panyappi Indigenous Youth Mentoring Project, which is a mentoring service for young Indigenous people who experience multiple problems that […]

Authors: Keel, Monique

Family violence and sexual assault are reported to be at crisis levels in many Indigenous communities. In response to calls from Indigenous people for change, a number of state and […]

The purpose of the new Tasmanian drug strategy is to guide whole-of-government and community activities to reduce the harm associated with the use of licit and illicit drugs in Tasmania. […]


This section of the report covers crime, safety and justice issues in Indigenous communities. The section discusses various models of cooperative justice, including the Koori Court in Victoria and circle […]

Authors: Auty, Kate

The Shepparton Koori Court has just completed its first two years of operation, and has been subject to a high level of scrutiny and observation for the purposes of evaluation. […]