
Authors: Libesman, Terri

This paper provides a review of child welfare legislation and services delivered to Indigenous communities in Canada, the United States, New Zealand and Australia. While some of the issues and […]

The Victorian Government endorses the findings of the Final Report of the Victorian Indigenous Family Violence Task Force, which outlined a three stage process to develop and implement an Indigenous […]

The Melbourne Metropolitan Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee (RAJAC) wants to see fewer Koories coming into contact with the justice system and to improve communication and treatment when they do […]

The National Drug Strategy 2004-2009 provides a framework for a coordinated, integrated approach to drug issues in the Australian community. This document sets out the objectives and priority areas of […]

The NSW Cannabis Cautioning Scheme commenced in April 2000 and gave police the discretion to formally caution rather than charge adults detected for minor cannabis offences. Cautioned offenders are provided […]

Authors: Tomison, Adam M

The aim of this report is to provide an overview of current issues for Australian child protection systems, and in particular to inform the child protection review being undertaken in […]

Authors: Tomaino, John

This information bulletin outlines the development of the Aboriginal Courts in South Australia. Some preliminary statistics are presented for the three adult Nunga courts currently operating in South Australia, namely […]

In September 2002, the South Australian Coroner brought down his findings in the inquests into the deaths of Kunmanara Ken, Kunmanara Hunt and Kunmanara Thompson, three young Anangu men who […]

Based on a report prepared by Judy Atkinson and Caroline Atkinson, this chapter provides a broad overview of the current situation regarding family violence in Indigenous communities from both a […]

This evaluation considers the first three years of operation of the Juvenile Pre-Court Diversion Scheme the Aboriginal Interpreter Service (AIS) in the Northern Territory. The programs are funded jointly by […]