
This report provides a national profile of mentoring programs for young offenders or young people at risk of offending, based on an audit and review of 21 projects. The report […]

This report provides an overview of the current knowledge of what works in preventing and reducing offending in young people aged 12 to 25 years. It forms part of a […]

The first part of this study reviews the ‘what works’ research literature on the rehabilitation of young offenders; compares this evidence based practice with current service delivery in juvenile justice […]

Evaluations of the Perth Drug Court Pilot Project : Final Report

Authors: King, Michael

Therapeutic jurisprudence asserts that court processes potentially impact participant wellbeing. Court processes developed with a view to promoting wellbeing or at least limiting any negative impact upon wellbeing can advance […]

Authors: Lampard, Murray

Following the release of Magistrate Sue Gordon’s report in 2002, the Premier of Western Australia, Dr Geoff Gallop, announced funding of $75 million for initiatives aimed at combating child abuse […]

For years community groups in Alice Springs, including the People’s Alcohol Action Coalition (PAAC), attempted to gain the agreement of the NT Licensing Commission to trial reduced takeaway trading hours […]

In November 2001 a forum for government and non-government service providers and community members was held to raise awareness of the problem of volatile substance misuse in Mount Isa and […]

This paper provides a brief overview of current policies, strategies and projects relating to crime prevention among Indigenous communities in Australia, Canada, the United States and New Zealand. The report […]

Drawing on research conducted with Canadian Indigenous offenders and Australian Indigenous offenders, this paper applies the Risk, Needs and Responsivity Model of rehabilitation to Indigenous offenders. While the paper focuses […]