
Authors: Day, Andrew

This paper discusses the application of the ‘what works’ approach to the rehabilitation of Indigenous Australian offenders. It suggests that those from Indigenous cultures may not share some of the […]

Authors: Polk, Kenneth

One of the most striking recent developments in juvenile justice in Australia has been the rapid expansion of ‘diversion’ options. This paper considers the meaning of the term ‘diversion’ and […]

The Queensland Conditional Bail Program targets young people who the courts believe are unlikely to comply with bail conditions and may be remanded in custody. It assists them to successfully […]

The Committee was required to inquire into the strength of Aboriginal customary law in the Northern Territory and to make recommendations as to what extent Aboriginal customary law might achieve […]

This document sets out the NSW Aboriginal Justice Plan for 2004-2014, which aims to reduce the over representation of Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system and to make Aboriginal […]

A meta evaluation has been conducted of the first phase of the $50 million Partnerships Against Domestic Violence Initiative (PADV1), which aims to find better ways of working to prevent, […]

A meta evaluation has been conducted of the first phase of the $50 million Partnerships Against Domestic Violence Initiative (PADV1), which aims to find better ways of working to prevent, […]

This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health, […]

In the Northern Territory the rate of Indigenous child removal is very low when compared to the rates for Indigenous children in other States and Territories, and only marginally higher […]

The Aboriginal Justice Advisory Council is leading the development of an Aboriginal Justice Plan for New South Wales, which will aim to reduce the over representation of Aboriginal people coming […]