
Authors: Cunneen, Chris

This comment sets out the specific areas of conflict between mandatory sentencing and key human rights standards and provides a summary of criticism of mandatory sentencing by key United Nations […]

This government document sets out the Queensland Government’s response to the Cape York Justice Study (2001) by Justice Fitzgerald, which found serious problems relating to alcohol and violence in Cape […]

Authors: Cunneen, Chris

The purpose of this discussion paper is to provide the foundation for community negotiations on the development of an Aboriginal Justice Plan for New South Wales. The discussion paper follows […]

This report describes the process and findings of the review of progress of the agreement between the Commonwealth and Northern Territory Governments to establish a pre-court juvenile diversion scheme and […]

Authors: Laing, Lesley

This issues paper discusses the dominant ways in which the causes of domestic violence are understood and the types of intervention with perpetrators that flow from these perspectives. The paper […]

Authors: Cooke, Michael

This paper is based on the observation that when an Aboriginal person speaks some English, lawyers often overestimate their capacity to be fairly interviewed in English. The paper explores the […]

As part of a two phase project commissioned by the Australian National Council on Drugs, this report identifies alcohol and other drug intervention projects conducted by or for Indigenous Australians […]

Authors: Biber, Katherine

In Smith v The Queen, the High Court ruled that identification evidence based on police inspection of a bank security camera photograph of a hooded, apparently Aboriginal bank robber, was […]

The Committee was required to inquire into the factors contributing to the inhalation of volatile substances; the adequacy of existing strategies for dealing with this; best practice strategies to address […]

This chapter provides an overview of issues facing Indigenous women in corrections. It presents a statistical overview of incarceration and recidivism rates for Indigenous women on a national and state […]