
Authors: Pritchard, Sarah

This paper provides an overview of international human rights standards relevant to mandatory sentencing, which include various provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention on […]

Authors: Ward, Angela

This paper addresses the debate on Northern Territory mandatory sentencing laws by surveying the regional institutional structures that have emerged in other parts of the world to bind governments to […]

This paper The current controversy with respect to mandatory minimum sentencing laws takes place within a wider context of a general discussion on sentencing reform. This discussion has generally focused […]

This review of the impact of Western Australia’s three strikes mandatory sentencing laws for repeat home burglars finds that the laws are fundamentally flawed. Based on an analysis of cases […]

Authors: Pearson, Noel
Publishers: Cape York Partnership

This document, prepared by influential Aboriginal lawyer Noel Pearson, provides his analysis of the alcohol and drug problems being experienced in Far North Queensland, with the aim of informing strategy […]

This paper provides detailed information to support the key strategy areas identified in the ‘National Alcohol Strategy 2001 to 2003-04’, and provides a resource document for those interested in developing […]

Authors: Strang, Heather

This report provides an overview of restorative justice programs in Australia. While a wide range of programs may be broadly labeled ‘restorative’, the report mainly focuses on programs involving meetings […]

Authors: Chan, Carrie

This evaluation of the New South Wales Police Service’s Aboriginal Strategic Plan considers a number of key indicators and output data. The first section of the report evaluates and assesses […]

Authors: Fitzgerald, Tony

This article summarises the findings of the Cape York Justice Study, conducted by Justice Fitzgerald, and sets out many of its recommendations. The study was required to examine the causes, […]

This is a summary article of a monography which analyses Indigenous contact with the Victoria Police in the period 1993/94 to 1996/97. It provides details of Indigenous and non Indigenous […]