
Based on clinical and cultural experience, as well as on the available evidence about what works to prevent and treat alcohol and drug problems among Aboriginal people.

Publishers: Healing Foundation

This report is not justice specific but provides useful information on engaging members of the Stolen Generation. They are a high risk group for victimisation and offending as well as […]

The presentation introduces the idea of cultural safety as the stage following cultural awareness and its importance in healing trauma in indigenous communities. With illustrations from the Stan Daniels Correctional […]

While there was some general positive response to the level of political and resource commitment to addressing Indigenous health issues that the Northern Territory Emergency Response represented, many were concerned […]

The Northern Territory has a relatively young population, spread across a large jurisdiction, with very high rates of sexual crimes and a disproportionate representation of Aboriginal youth as both victims […]

Authors: Rowse, Tim

The high rate of Indigenous incarceration is a problem for public policy and therefore for historical and social analysis. This paper compares and contrasts two recent attempts at such analysis: […]

This chapter provides an overview of issues facing Indigenous women in corrections. It presents a statistical overview of incarceration and recidivism rates for Indigenous women on a national and state […]

Authors: Edney, Richard

A 1996 amendment to the Canadian Criminal Code aimed to reduce the over representation of Indigenous persons in prison, by requiring judicial officers to take Aboriginality into account in the […]

This paper focuses on the inability of the legal system to adequately address Indigenous domestic and family violence issues. Three key areas of focus to improve issues for Indigenous people […]

Authors: Jackamos, Andrew

These are the PowerPoint slides used as the basis of a conference paper presented at the ‘Cultural healing in criminal justice service delivery: an identification of best practice and innovation […]