
Authors: Roth, Lenny

This e-brief provides a review of Australian and international studies on the relationship between Indigenous lives and cultural attachment and related socio-economic outcomes. Using statistical information on language and culture […]

The New South Wales Legal Aid Commission’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family Mediation Program (ATSIFAM) was a pilot family dispute resolution service designed to meet the needs of Indigenous […]

Authors: Cripps, Kyllie

In June 2007 the Federal Government announced a range of ’emergency measures’ to combat sexual abuse against indigenous children in the Northern Territory. Indigenous community members experiencing violence know however, […]

A meta evaluation has been conducted of the first phase of the $50 million Partnerships Against Domestic Violence Initiative (PADV1), which aims to find better ways of working to prevent, […]

This report analyses Indigenous homelessness in the contrasting settings of major cities and regional country town centres. Findings indicate that while the system of kinship obligation prevents much primary homelessness, […]


These slides are from a presentation at the National Conference on Ending Homelessness held in Winnipeg Canada October 25-27, 2017. Presented by the University of Western Australia the slides provide […]

Authors: Petrie, Melinda

The Indigenous population experiences higher rates of homelessness and overcrowding than the non-Indigenous population. Whilst non-Indigenous Australians experience higher rates of affordability need, houses are least affordable for Indigenous Australians […]


This report seeks to raise awareness of, and calls for action to address, the disproportionate rates of Indigenous incarceration across Australia. Indigenous Australians are dramatically over-represented in the criminal justice […]

Authors: Hedger, Allan

After discussing the extent of Indigenous disadvantage in many areas, this paper highlights the over representation of Indigenous youth in the criminal justice system, and the need to address Indigenous […]

Despite the prevalence of Indigenous men’s support groups little is known about their strategies and outcomes. These support groups aim to empower men to take greater control and responsibility of […]