
Authors: Cunneen, Chris

This comment sets out the specific areas of conflict between mandatory sentencing and key human rights standards and provides a summary of criticism of mandatory sentencing by key United Nations […]

This publication provides a picture of the social and emotional wellbeing of Indigenous Australians using data from the 2004-05 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS) and a […]

Wukindi rom is a way of practising dispute resolution, mediation and peace-making among the Yolngu people. Mawul rom is the application of the principles to the Dhurili Clan, to match […]

This report provides detail from a review of the literature regarding the prevention of and response to family violence with a focus on engaging Aboriginal men in remote communities. The […]

This report assembles what is known about the mental health of Indigenous Australians from community surveys. A systematic search was conducted of publications and data sources since 2000. Surveys had […]

This report examines the indefinite detention of Mentally Impaired Accused persons, pursuant to custody orders available in the Western Australian sentencing system. These orders are available under the Criminal Law […]

This brief paper suggests that in a crime prevention context, mentoring is often directed towards young people already involved in the criminal justice system or ‘at-risk’ of engaging in criminal […]

Authors: Ware, Vicki-Ann

Research has shown that mentoring can have powerful and lasting positive impacts on the behavioural, academic and vocational outcomes of at-risk youth. This resource sheet examines the evidence on the […]

This document presents a review of the Australian literature (“the review”) on missing, murdered and incarcerated Indigenous women in Australia. This review was written at the invitation of, and in […]

In September 2006 the Northern Territory Government announced a plan under the NT Alcohol Framework to address ongoing alcohol issues in Alice Springs, resulting in the development of the Alice […]