

The resource profiles examples of projects and programs which are addressing the goals of the National Indigenous Law and Justice Framework 2009-2015. Prepared by the Standing Council on Law and […]

Authors: Boersig, John

These are the PowerPoint slides used as the basis of a conference paper presented at the ‘Cultural healing in criminal justice service delivery: an identification of best practice and innovation […]


This National Plan is a commitment by the Australian Government to a country free of gender-based violence – where all people live free from fear and violence and are safe […]

Authors: McGlade, Hannah

This paper concerns the need to find new solutions to enduring problems experienced by Aboriginal victims and communities and the place of restorative justice. Using a literature review of recent […]

Authors: Walsh, Tamara

The aim of this project was to investigate the extent to which people living in poverty interact with, and are impacted by, the workings of the criminal justice system in […]

Authors: Willis, Matthew
Publishers: Australian Institute of Criminology, Trends and Issues, 405

Violent crime statistics drawn from police data do not show the large amount of violent crime and victimisation that is never disclosed to police. Within this ‘dark figure of crime’ […]

Authors: Clark, Geoff

Indigenous customary law should not be viewed simply in terms of traditional tribal punishments but should be seen principally as the application of cultural values and principles to Indigenous community […]

The Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland (the Taskforce) was established in 2014 to define the domestic and family violence landscape in Queensland, and make recommendations to […]

Authors: Wallace, Gail

The Nowra Circle Sentencing Court was established in 2002 and has had numerous successes during its operation. This court sits within the traditional court system and has a Magistrate hand […]

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