This report contains detailed analyses underlying the summary data presented in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2006 report (AHMAC2006). The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health […]
This report contains detailed analyses underlying the summary data presented in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2006 report (AHMAC2006). The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health […]
This report contains detailed analyses underlying the summary data presented in the policy report Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2008 report, produced by the Department of Health […]
This report contains detailed analyses underlying the summary data presented in the policy report Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2008 report, produced by the Department of Health […]
This report isthe third national report on health services provided by Aboriginal community controlled and non-community controlled health organisations, and funded by the Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander […]
This study is an initiative of the Australian Government aimed at collecting longitudinal data that will help in the development of better outcomes for Indigenous children. One of the first […]
In 2008, the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (NATSISS) collected information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples aged 15 years and over; for the first time […]
The Aboriginal Child Sexual Assault Taskforce was established to consult widely with Aboriginal communities, community based services and government departments about child sexual assault within Aboriginal communities, which will result […]
Engaging Aboriginal communities in the context of family violence, drug and alcohol use in rural and remote Aboriginal communities is a huge topic. In this paper, the author focuses on […]
Using the Canadian model of circle healing, especially for child sexual abuse cases, this presentation contains a series of talking points that draw on current research into cultural healing, and […]
There have been many varied approaches over time to engage Aboriginal people as a part of the police service. One such has been creating Indigenous liaison officers to act as […]