New South Wales

Authors: Moore, Elizabeth

Assesses whether the philosophy of the Young Offenders Act is being adhered to in respect to the nature of offences being diverted and the use of the hierarchical approach to […]

Authors: Corben, Simon

The Indigenous offender population has continued to increase over recent years in terms of both numbers and imprisonment rates. This paper examines the impact of a number of data definitions […]

Authors: Pheeney, David

This article evaluates the problem of Indigenous youth overrepresentation in prison, as a consequence of the lack of court alternate diversionary options available within the NSW criminal justice system for […]

Publishers: The Lowitja Institute

This study by a team of Indigenous and non- Indigenous researchers aimed to explore, through Citizens Juries, the opinions and views of a critically informed public towards offenders, incarceration and […]


In November 2021 the NSW Attorney General announced the Walama List Pilot to commence in February 2022 in the Sydney Downing Centre District Court. Offenders will be drawn from Sydney, […]

Between 2001 and 2008 the adult Indigenous imprisonment rate rose by 37% in Australia and 48% in New South Wales. This paper looks at the reasons behind this rise in […]

This Bulletin reviews recent National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC) activity to address cannabis use among young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. A camp for young males from […]

Authors: Moore, Elizabeth

The study is to compare police-referred youth justice conferences (P-YJCs), court referred youth justice conferences (C-YJCs) and Children’s Court (CC) matters on the time to finalisation (i.e., the number of […]