Northern Territory

This article draws together some of the major themes which emerged from an exploratory study of the issues facing Indigenous people who have a cognitive disability and come into contact […]

Diversion from the youth justice system is a critical goal for addressing the over-representation of Indigenous young people in the criminal justice system. In this report, four programs identified under […]

Authors: Heske, Caroline

Aboriginal interpreters in the criminal justice system perform a demanding, thankless, even dangerous job. They are essential to justice for Aboriginal victims and defendants alike, but their scarcity impedes efforts […]

This report investigates the implications of hearing impairment among the Indigenous prisoners in Northern Territory Correctional Services. It was conducted in response to the Hear us: enquiry into hearing health […]

Authors: Siegel, Natalie,

Based on field research conducted throughout remote Aboriginal communities, this article evaluates the Bush Court system operating throughout the Northern Territory and Western Australia. The article examines features that differentiate […]

Authors: Douglas, Heather

Justice Martin Kriewaldt, a judge of the Northern Territory Supreme Court from 1951 to 1960, frequently struggled with the question of how to understand and distinguish Aboriginal people in relation […]

Authors: Anthony, Thalia

This paper explores the late-modern shifts in the characterisation of Indigenous offenders in sentencing judgments and legislation in New South Wales and the Northern Territory. It considers whether David Garland’s […]

Authors: Cunneen, Chris

This comment sets out the specific areas of conflict between mandatory sentencing and key human rights standards and provides a summary of criticism of mandatory sentencing by key United Nations […]

Authors: Ward, Angela

This paper addresses the debate on Northern Territory mandatory sentencing laws by surveying the regional institutional structures that have emerged in other parts of the world to bind governments to […]

Authors: Brown, David

This paper will give a ‘criminological perspective’ on mandatory sentencing. It will however largely avoid the issues of the effect of mandatory sentencing provisions on the judicial process and judicial […]