Northern Territory

This report provides important data to enable the NT Government and our partners to work together to address long-standing inequities faced by Aboriginal people. This second year of reporting shows […]


This report to the NT Government examines a number of incidents in August 2014 with young people detained at the Don Dale Youth Detention Centre involving the use of tear […]

The life expectancy of Indigenous Australians is about 17 years lower than that of the general Australian population. Using Australian Bureau of Statistics mortality data, this study, which aimed to […]

Authors: Nicholas, Roger

This report concerns a National Workshop held at Alice Springs in August 2007, which focused on policing responses to alcohol and other substance misuse problems in rural and remote Indigenous […]

In 2007, concerns about the exposure of Indigenous children to pornography and links between the use of pornography and sexual abuse of children led the Northern Territory Attorney-General to approach […]

The Committee was required to inquire into the strength of Aboriginal customary law in the Northern Territory and to make recommendations as to what extent Aboriginal customary law might achieve […]


This report investigates the detention, care and protection systems for children and young people in the NT. The report examines instances of abuse and mistreatment experienced by children, the vast […]


This report investigates the detention, care and protection systems for children and young people in the NT. The report examines instances of abuse and mistreatment experienced by children, the vast […]

This report investigates the detention, care and protection systems for children and young people in the NT. The report examines instances of abuse and mistreatment experienced by children, the vast […]


This report investigates the detention, care and protection systems for children and young people in the NT. The report examines instances of abuse and mistreatment experienced by children, the vast […]