It is widely recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience far higher rates of adverse contact with the justice system than other Australians, as well as being one […]
It is widely recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience far higher rates of adverse contact with the justice system than other Australians, as well as being one […]
Despite the prevalence of Indigenous men’s support groups little is known about their strategies and outcomes. These support groups aim to empower men to take greater control and responsibility of […]
Indigenous Australians are proportionately over-represented in the criminal justice system and particularly the prison system. Murri Court is an initiative of the Magistracy in Queensland to sentence Indigenous offenders in […]
Diversion from the youth justice system is a critical goal for addressing the over-representation of Indigenous young people in the criminal justice system. In this report, four programs identified under […]
Arising from the long term reform process set in motion by the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, many jurisdictions in Australia have established Indigenous Justice Agreements. While IJAs […]
This is the final report of a project funded by the Criminology Research Council. The original title of the project, in the names of Dr Anna Stewart and Dr Susan […]
Resources December,2009
This research was commissioned as part of the Federal Government’s “Breaking the Cycle” initiative which aimed to address the impact of alcohol and drug abuse among Indigenous people living in […]
Resources November,2022
Domestic and family violence (DFV) is a complex societal problem that needs a comprehensive, coordinated response. The complexity arises because of the mix of victims, perpetrators, types of violence, involvement […]
This paper is submitted by Mackay and District Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Legal Aid Services (the Corporation) to Indigenous Deaths in Custody Summit held in Queensland in […]
This government document sets out the Queensland Government’s response to the Cape York Justice Study (2001) by Justice Fitzgerald, which found serious problems relating to alcohol and violence in Cape […]