Australia’s criminal justice system is, for the most part, the model inherited from the British justice system. This model consistently yields high rates of recidivism by Aboriginal and Torres Strait […]
Resources Sep,2007
Australia’s criminal justice system is, for the most part, the model inherited from the British justice system. This model consistently yields high rates of recidivism by Aboriginal and Torres Strait […]
This report presents interim findings from a study of petrol sniffing prevalence in a sample of 41 Australian Aboriginal communities, drawn from nine regions located in Northern Territory, South Australia, […]
Our legal system was largely inherited from Britain, so it is, therefore based in European-Western cultural and legal traditions. Alongside this, and over many thousands of years, Australian Indigenous communities […]
The Principal Lawyer from the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service reflects on the Queensland Government’s proposed laws to allow repeat juvenile offenders’ names to be published. The […]
The aim of this project was to investigate the extent to which people living in poverty interact with, and are impacted by, the workings of the criminal justice system in […]
The Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland (the Taskforce) was established in 2014 to define the domestic and family violence landscape in Queensland, and make recommendations to […]
Resources Jun,2013
Despite acknowledgement of the over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families in statutory child protection services across Australia and understanding of the impact or broader social and […]
This document, prepared by influential Aboriginal lawyer Noel Pearson, provides his analysis of the alcohol and drug problems being experienced in Far North Queensland, with the aim of informing strategy […]
Indigenous over-representation in the justice system is a challenge facing Australian society. Recently, it has been suggested that increased use of diversionary processes could reduce Indigenous over-representation. Reported in this […]
Resources Aug,2007
This report concerns a National Workshop held at Alice Springs in August 2007, which focused on policing responses to alcohol and other substance misuse problems in rural and remote Indigenous […]