This report presents the results of a review of the Port Lincoln Aboriginal Adult Conference Pilot conducted during 2007/2008. The pilot aimed to involve members of the community and victims […]
This report presents the results of a review of the Port Lincoln Aboriginal Adult Conference Pilot conducted during 2007/2008. The pilot aimed to involve members of the community and victims […]
In September 2002, the South Australian Coroner brought down his findings in the inquests into the deaths of Kunmanara Ken, Kunmanara Hunt and Kunmanara Thompson, three young Anangu men who […]
The literature that has emerged around restorative justice often claims that restorative justice delivers more effective justice, partly because it offers community members and organisations a far wider role than […]
For many societies, the consumption of alcohol and its related outcomes are deeply embedded in cultural, economic, legal and health systems. Yet alcohol is not an ‘ordinary commodity’. It is […]
Resources November,2022
This Annual Report details South Australia’s progress on the National Agreement and Implementation Plan. It draws on the Productivity Commission’s most recent Closing the Gap Annual Data Compilation Report (July […]
This annual report details South Australia’s progress on the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, and the SA Implementation Plan. Drawing on information from the Productivity Commission’s most recent Closing […]
Aboriginal Court Day, known to the local community as the Nunga Court, has been operating in the Port Adelaide Magistrates Court (SA) since June 1999. The Nunga Court is designed […]
This strategy is a practical plan to combat the physical and psychological harm, as well as the broader community problems, arising from the abuse and misuse of drugs. The culmination […]
This report highlights the need for leadership and improved regional efforts in tackling the rates of suicide in Australia. Qualitative survey data is relied upon extensively throughout. The findings are […]
This study examines sentencing outcomes for Indigenous and non-Indigenous adult offenders convicted in the lower courts of South Australia, New South Wales and Western Australia between 2005 and 2007. The […]