The Koori Court first sat at Shepparton on 7 October 2002, following the passage of the Magistrates’ Court (Koori Court) Act 2002. Six months later the Broadmeadows Koori Court commenced […]
The Koori Court first sat at Shepparton on 7 October 2002, following the passage of the Magistrates’ Court (Koori Court) Act 2002. Six months later the Broadmeadows Koori Court commenced […]
The Koori Court Division of the Magistrates’ Court in Victoria has been in operation since 2002, and in many ways reflects an innovative and progressive approach to the problems Aboriginal […]
Resources January ,2022
This policy brief sets out the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service’s position on the criminalisation of coercive control. It draws on international research and experience, consultation with other organisations working in […]
The Salvation Army Crisis Services network has embarked on a number of partnership arrangements to deliver services to clients. This paper reports on one successful model used to facilitate private […]
This report evaluates the Koori Cognitive Skills Program (CSP) for Corrections Victoria. Research has shown that people who get into trouble with the law often have difficulty solving problems in […]
The plan outlines the challenges faced by parents and how the Government and community can together support them in caring and providing opportunities for their young children. Recognising that many […]
Resources August,2018
Burra Lotjpa Dunguludja or Senior Leaders Talking Strong is the fourth phase of the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA). It is an important step in the long and proud history […]
The National Agreement on Closing the Gap (the National Agreement) was developed in partnership between Australian Governments and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak organisations in March 2019. A Joint […]
Resources April,2013
This report examines the link between sentencing in the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria and the over-representation of Koori people in Victoria’s prisons. The focus of this examination is a comparison […]
Resources September,2011
This report is the final of three evaluation reports developed as part of an evaluation of the County Koori Court pilot program undertaken from 2009 to 2011. It analyses both […]