This report offers an overview of research that has been conducted in the area of Indigenous mental health, particularly as it relates to the mental health of those who come […]
This report offers an overview of research that has been conducted in the area of Indigenous mental health, particularly as it relates to the mental health of those who come […]
This is a summary article of a monography which analyses Indigenous contact with the Victoria Police in the period 1993/94 to 1996/97. It provides details of Indigenous and non Indigenous […]
Current high levels of morbidity and mortality, and high rates of incarceration among Australian Aboriginal populations are related historically to the attempted separation of Aboriginal people from family and community. […]
The Committee was required to inquire into the factors contributing to the inhalation of volatile substances; the adequacy of existing strategies for dealing with this; best practice strategies to address […]
Resources 6 March,2024
Aboriginal people are over-represented in Victorian prisons and have poorer health than people in the general community. This investigation examines the provision of healthcare for Aboriginal people in Victorian prisons. […]
An investigation into hearing impairment among Indigenous prisoners in the Victorian correctional system was commissioned by Corrections Victoria. This study tested the hearing status of 109 Victorian Indigenous prisoners at […]
This study focuses on prison health services in the adult prison system in Victoria and their relationship to Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs). It includes an overview of Aboriginal […]
The Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement of 2002 committed the government to reducing Aboriginal contact with the criminal justice system, partly through the introduction of Koori courts as a part of […]
A free service initiated by the Magistrates’ Court has been established in Victoria to support Koori men and women involved with family violence matters in the court system. The pilot […]
The Koori prisoner mental health and cognitive function study is an initiative between the Victorian Government and the Koori community. The study uses a literature review and interviews with Koori […]