
This is a summary article of a monography which analyses Indigenous contact with the Victoria Police in the period 1993/94 to 1996/97. It provides details of Indigenous and non Indigenous […]

Authors: McCallum, David

Current high levels of morbidity and mortality, and high rates of incarceration among Australian Aboriginal populations are related historically to the attempted separation of Aboriginal people from family and community. […]

The Committee was required to inquire into the factors contributing to the inhalation of volatile substances; the adequacy of existing strategies for dealing with this; best practice strategies to address […]


Aboriginal people are over-represented in Victorian prisons and have poorer health than people in the general community. This investigation examines the provision of healthcare for Aboriginal people in Victorian prisons. […]

An investigation into hearing impairment among Indigenous prisoners in the Victorian correctional system was commissioned by Corrections Victoria. This study tested the hearing status of 109 Victorian Indigenous prisoners at […]

This study focuses on prison health services in the adult prison system in Victoria and their relationship to Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs). It includes an overview of Aboriginal […]

Authors: Kirby, Rudolph

The Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement of 2002 committed the government to reducing Aboriginal contact with the criminal justice system, partly through the introduction of Koori courts as a part of […]

A free service initiated by the Magistrates’ Court has been established in Victoria to support Koori men and women involved with family violence matters in the court system. The pilot […]

The Koori prisoner mental health and cognitive function study is an initiative between the Victorian Government and the Koori community. The study uses a literature review and interviews with Koori […]

Australia’s criminal justice system is, for the most part, the model inherited from the British justice system. This model consistently yields high rates of recidivism by Aboriginal and Torres Strait […]