This report provides an estimate of the annual cost savings to the Western Australian Government of proactively diverting young offenders from the court system and from detention in remand in […]
This report provides an estimate of the annual cost savings to the Western Australian Government of proactively diverting young offenders from the court system and from detention in remand in […]
Indigenous people experience a disproportionately high burden of interpersonal violence. This paper compares the demographic characteristics and injury circumstances of male and female Indigenous Australians hospitalised due to interpersonal violence […]
The aims of the Derby/West Kimberley project were to increase awareness and understanding of domestic violence in the Derby community; to develop and implement culturally appropriate strategies for the intervention […]
This is the second edition of a benchbook designed to alert the Western Australian judiciary to cross cultural issues which may arise in the course of the conduct of trials […]
From December 2000 to October 2006 the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia undertook a detailed inquiry into the recognition of Aboriginal law and culture in Western Australia. Over this […]
Aboriginal people experience family violence at disproportionately high rates with devastating impacts on their own health and wellbeing, and on the health and wellbeing of their families and community. The […]
This article presents the findings of recent research involving stakeholders in the Children’s Court of Western Australia (CCWA). This research found that the needs of Aboriginal children and their families […]
Alcohol abuse has a corrosive effect on individuals and whole communities, increasing violence, abuse, unemployment, debt and ill health. This monograph starts by looking at the harms excessive alcohol consumption […]
Therapeutic jurisprudence asserts that court processes potentially impact participant wellbeing. Court processes developed with a view to promoting wellbeing or at least limiting any negative impact upon wellbeing can advance […]
This evaluation reviewed the effectiveness of, and community attitudes towards, increased restrictions on the availability of alcohol in Tennant Creek, NT. Estimates of alcohol consumption, admissions data from the local […]