This inquiry was required to examine the actions of government agencies in responding to complaints of family violence and child abuse in Aboriginal communities, with particular reference to the death […]
Resources July,2002
This inquiry was required to examine the actions of government agencies in responding to complaints of family violence and child abuse in Aboriginal communities, with particular reference to the death […]
Resources November,2012
Twenty years on from the 1991 Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody in Australia the picture appears bleaker than in the early 1990s. This article adopts a post-colonial stance […]
The rate of female imprisonment in Western Australia is increasing at more than twice the rate of male imprisonment, and 40% of the women are Aboriginal. The inspection of Bandyup […]
The physical facilities and service delivery models of the Boronia Pre-release Centre for Women were explicitly designed around a women-centred approach to corrections. This inspection report finds that it has […]
This report of an unannounced inspection of Eastern Goldfields Regional Prison (WA), which is one of four “Aboriginal prisons” in Western Australia, finds the prison to be a distressing place, […]
For many societies, the consumption of alcohol and its related outcomes are deeply embedded in cultural, economic, legal and health systems. Yet alcohol is not an ‘ordinary commodity’. It is […]
Resources Nov,2011
Around 30000 people live in the diverse region of the Kimberley in Western Australia, a significant proportion of whom are Indigenous. Both Indigenous and non-Indigenous members of Kimberly communities drink […]
This report contains the results of the review conducted by the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia of the coronial practices and procedures followed in the state. The Commission consulted […]
In July 2007, the Chief Justice announced the formation of a taskforce to deal with the rapid number of charges of sexual assault in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. […]
This report presents the research findings of an in-depth investigation into effective practices for managing conflict involving Indigenous people as part of the Indigenous Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management Case […]