- Nagel, Tricia
- Nancarrow, Heather
- Nappaljari Jones, Jilpia
- Nathan, Sally
- National Council of Welfare
- National Council to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children
- National Crime Prevention
- National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund (Australia)
- National Indigenous Drug and Alcohol Committee
- National Inhalant Abuse Taskforce
- National Justice Chief Executive Officers Group
- National Mental Health Commission
- Native Women's Association of Canada
- Nebe, Brett
- Nelson, Anna
- Nelson, Brendan, Opposition Leader
- Nelson, Paul
- New South Wales Attorney General's Department
- New South Wales Attorney General's Dept: Crime Prevention Division
- New South Wales Department of Juvenile Justice
- New South Wales Government
- New South Wales Law Enforcement Conduct Commission
- New South Wales Law Reform Commission
- New South Wales Office of the Ombudsman
- New South Wales Police Force
- New Zealand Ministry of Justice
- Nicholas, Roger
- Nicholson, Barbara
- Nielsen, Marianne O
- Norrington, Caroline
- North Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service
- Northern Rivers University Department of Rural Health
- Northern Territory Board of Inquiry into the Protection of Aboriginal Children from Sexual Abuse
- Northern Territory Department of Justice Legal Policy
- Northern Territory Emergency Response Taskforce
- Northern Territory Government
- Northern Territory Law Reform Committee, Committee of Inquiry into Aboriginal Customary Law
- Nous Group
- NSW Aboriginal Child Sexual Assault Taskforce
- NSW Attorney General's Department
- NSW Attorney General's Department: Crime Prevention Division
- NSW Communities and Justice
- NSW Department for Women
- NSW Health
- NSW Women in Prison Task Force
- Office of the Northern Territory Children's Commissioner