Sept, 2006
This research report forms part of a submission from the Indigenous Law Centre, University of New South Wales to the Federal Government in relation to its ‘Inquiry into Stolen Wages’.…
This report provides a national profile of diversionary processes at different stages of the juvenile justice system across Australia. The study involved site visits to each state and territory, and…
This report provides a national profile of mentoring programs for young offenders or young people at risk of offending, based on an audit and review of 21 projects. The report…
Oct, 2005
Previous research by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research has shown that the cost-effectiveness of the NSW Drug Court could be increased through the early identification of those…
Family violence and abuse is causing untold damage to the cultures and fabric of Indigenous societies. Like all Australians, Indigenous peoples are entitled to live their lives in safety and…
June, 2008
Enforcement Operations is the enforcement arm of the Infringement Management and Enforcement Services business unit within the Department of Justice, consisting of Sherriff’s Operations and the Infringements Court. The infringement…
August , 2022
The right to a fair trial is a long-standing common law right, with the High Court describing this as ‘a central pillar of our criminal justice system’. 1 Australia has…
Australia has alarming levels of incarceration of Indigenous peoples. The problem has not been adequately addressed since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, particularly in a climate in…
This paper explores the complex and never-ending dialectic between equality and difference in Australian Indigenous affairs. It begins with examples from debates over the inclusion of Aboriginal people in the…
This bench book provides NSW judicial officers with statistics and information about the different values, cultures, lifestyles, socio-economic disadvantage and/or potential barriers in relation to full and equitable participation in…
The effectiveness of Indigenous criminal courts is regularly debated in the public sphere with the many claiming these courts to promote ‘soft Indigenous justice’. There are many differences in the…
This report presents the findings of the evaluation of the Extended Throughcare program (the Program) provided by ACT Corrective Services. Extended Throughcare is a voluntary program that provides support to…
This paper describes the evaluation of the Karalundi Peer Support and Skills Training Program (WA), an Indigenous health promotion program aimed at enhancing self-esteem and reducing drug use among Aboriginal…
Cooper, Trudy,
Sims, Margaret,
Scott, John,
Henry, Pamela,
Barclay, Elaine,
Love, Terence
Funded by the Federal Attorney General’s Department, the Indigenous Community Night Patrol Evaluation Project reviewed, evaluated and compared Indigenous community night patrol initiatives in Western Australia and New South Wales,…
Kaspiew, Rae,
Gray, Matthew,
Weston, Ruth,
Moloney, Lawrie,
Hand, Kelly,
Qu, Lixia
Changes to the Australian family law system in 2006 were designed to reduce separations, encourage greater involvement by both parents in children’s lives, protect children from violence and abuse, reduce…
May, 2012
The Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA) is a formal partnership between the Victorian Government and the Koori community, which has been operating since June 2000 working to improve justice outcomes…
June, 2006
The Aboriginal Over-Representation Strategic Plan (AORSP) was released in September 2001. The aim of the AORSP is to decrease the number of Aboriginal young people under the supervision of the…
This report documents the findings of an evaluation of the Trial Dry Area in Adelaide, which was introduced in a highly politicised context involving polarised opinions. The evaluation finds, among…
Under the 2009 Closing the Gap in the Northern Territory National Partnership Agreement, a two year trial (ended 30 June 2013) of sworn Community Engagement Police Officers (CEPOs) in eight…
The Queensland Community Justice Group (CJG) Program is funded by the Department of Justice and Attorney General to develop justice strategies, support and reduce Indigenous contact with the criminal justice…
December , 2012
This is an evaluation of the implementation of Rangatahi Courts, which are culturally specific youth courts in New Zealand informed by Koori courts. The evaluation found that cultural relevance and…
In order to combat the increasingly adverse impacts of alcohol consumption on Groote Eylandt and Bickerton Island every person in the region, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, must hold a permit to…
This directory was published in 2006 to improve access to civil law services for Aboriginal people in NSW and the ACT. In early 2008, an evaluation project was set up…
This evaluation of the New South Wales Police Service’s Aboriginal Strategic Plan considers a number of key indicators and output data. The first section of the report evaluates and assesses…
May, 2009
The Law and Justice Advocacy Development (LJAD) program is a small grant program administered by the Attorney-General’s Department (AGD). The program supports the advancement of the legal rights of Indigenous…
Oct, 2003
The Lismore Magistrates Early Referral into Treatment (MERIT) Pilot Program, a pre-plea early court intervention, was planned by the NSW Government in response to recommendations from the Drug Summit held…
This evaluation considers the first three years of operation of the Juvenile Pre-Court Diversion Scheme the Aboriginal Interpreter Service (AIS) in the Northern Territory. The programs are funded jointly by…
Nov, 2005
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice Agreement was developed by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Board (ATSIAB) and the Queensland Government. It was signed by the Premier,…
Nov, 2006
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice Agreement was developed by theAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Board (ATSIAB) and the Queensland Government, and was signed in December 2000. The…
Indigenous sentencing courts have been established in most Australian jurisdictions to reduce high rates of reoffending among Indigenous offenders and to provide a more culturally appropriate criminal justice process that…
This report presents key findings and recommendations developed as part of an independent evaluation of Queensland’s Remote Justices of the Peace (Magistrates Court) Program (JP Court program), conducted by researchers…
Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service (FVPLS) Victoria provides legal services to Aboriginal victims of family violence and sexual assault, advocates for legal and policy reform and conducts a…
Evaluations of the Perth Drug Court Pilot Project : Final Report
Indigenous women experience discrimination in a number of different ways and in different places. Laws, policies and state practices discriminate against Indigenous women in ways that undermine their roles, values…
Oct, 2014
Thompson, Carleen,
Stewart, , ,
Chrzanowski, April,
Luker, Chelsea,
Sveticic, Jerneja
This resource summarises research into adult-onset offending and whether adult cautioning is a viable and cost-effective alternative to current court processing. Adult-onset offending was examined in a Queensland population-based offender…
This publication contains experimental estimates and projections of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) population of Australia and the states and territories for 30 June 1991 to 30 June…