Nov, 2013
The Principal Lawyer from the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service reflects on the Queensland Government’s proposed laws to allow repeat juvenile offenders’ names to be published. The…
In their statistical analyses of higher court sentencing in South Australia, Jeffries and Bond found evidence that Indigenous offenders were treated more leniently than non-Indigenous offenders, when they appeared before…
Dec, 2010
This publication presents summary results from the 2008 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (NATSISS). The survey was conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) from August…
May, 2013
The suicide rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for the period 2001-2010 were twice that of non-Indigenous Australians (ABS, 2012). The high rates of suicide among Aboriginal and…
When compared with other women in Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are considered the most socially and economically disadvantaged and have the poorest health status. As research on…
Nov, 2006
This Strategic Plan outlines the priorities of the National Advisory Group on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Information and Data in the period 2006-2008 for improving the quality and…
Alcohol plays an important role in the Australian economy. It generates substantial employment, retail activity, export income and tax revenue. It also has an important social role and is a…
December , 2022
In March 2021, the Australian Human Rights Commission released a proposal for a national antiracism framework. This was in response to community calls for national action after heightened experiences of…
Cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug in Australia. In November 2004, the Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy agreed to the development of a National Cannabis Strategy to consider…
August , 2021
The National Agreement on Closing the Gap (the National Agreement) was developed in partnership between Australian Governments and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak organisations in March 2019. A Joint…
The National Inhalant Abuse Taskforce (NIAT) was established by the Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (MCDS) to consider existing initiatives, programs and strategies to address inhalant abuse in Australia and…
The National Drug Strategy – Australia’s Integrated Framework 2004-2009 was set up to improve health, and social and economic outcomes by reducing use of harmful drugs. It is an umbrella…
November , 2021
, , ,
From late March 2021 until the end of April 2021, SNAICC – National Voice for our Children conducted a series of national consultations to guide the co-design of the successor…
The National Indigenous Law and Justice Framework was developed by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) as a national approach to address serious and complex issues that exist for Indigenous…
The resource profiles examples of projects and programs which are addressing the goals of the National Indigenous Law and Justice Framework 2009-2015. Prepared by the Standing Council on Law and…
These are the PowerPoint slides used as the basis of a conference paper presented at the ‘Cultural healing in criminal justice service delivery: an identification of best practice and innovation…
November, 2022
This National Plan is a commitment by the Australian Government to a country free of gender-based violence – where all people live free from fear and violence and are safe…
This paper concerns the need to find new solutions to enduring problems experienced by Aboriginal victims and communities and the place of restorative justice. Using a literature review of recent…
Sexual assault of children has long-term devastating consequences for those who have experienced it, as well as their families. The preparation of a whole-of-government plan has been prompted by concerns…
April, 2012
This report finds that a new, simplified Bail Act is required. The report was made pursuant to a referral by the Attorney General. In highlighting the need to simplify the…
Ngaripirliga’ajirri’ is the Tiwi name given to an early intervention program for Tiwi children of primary school age, based on the Exploring Together program. This is the final evaluation report…
The aim of this project was to investigate the extent to which people living in poverty interact with, and are impacted by, the workings of the criminal justice system in…
Violent crime statistics drawn from police data do not show the large amount of violent crime and victimisation that is never disclosed to police. Within this ‘dark figure of crime’…
November , 2022
This report provides important data to enable the NT Government and our partners to work together to address long-standing inequities faced by Aboriginal people. This second year of reporting shows…
This report provides an evaluation of the Northern Territory Emergency Response (NTER) since July 2007 from a whole-of-government perspective. It aims to place the NTER in its political, social and…
June, 2008
In June 2007 the Australian Government put in place emergency measures to protect Aboriginal children in the Northern Territory. The aim of the Northern Territory Emergency Response is to protect…
Oct, 2008
The Northern Territory Emergency Response (NTER), otherwise known as the ‘Intervention’, was announced on 21 June 2007 by the former Liberal Government, and received in principle bipartisan support from the…
Important authorities such as Neal v The Queen (1982) and R v Fernando (1992) have established that the Aboriginality of a defendant is a relevant consideration when formulating a sentence.…
Indigenous customary law should not be viewed simply in terms of traditional tribal punishments but should be seen principally as the application of cultural values and principles to Indigenous community…
Feb, 2015
The Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland (the Taskforce) was established in 2014 to define the domestic and family violence landscape in Queensland, and make recommendations to…
The Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland (the Taskforce) was established on 10 September 2014 to define the domestic and family violence landscape in Queensland, and make…
The Nowra Circle Sentencing Court was established in 2002 and has had numerous successes during its operation. This court sits within the traditional court system and has a Magistrate hand…
Apr, 2011
The strategy sets out a model of care that will guide the implementation of specific actions by local health districts, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services, and other non-government service providers.…
The purpose of this discussion paper is to provide the foundation for community negotiations on the development of an Aboriginal Justice Plan for New South Wales. The discussion paper follows…
This document sets out the NSW Aboriginal Justice Plan for 2004-2014, which aims to reduce the over representation of Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system and to make Aboriginal…
May, 2008
Circle sentencing commenced in New South Wales in February 2002 in Nowra Local Court. Since then the program has been expanded to Armidale, Bourke, Brewarrina, Dubbo, Kempsey, Lismore, Mount Druitt…
September , 2022
This document summarises the Productivity Commission’s latest data update on Closing the Gap and details NSW’s efforts in 2021–22. It sets out the progress of ongoing and new initiatives in…
December, 2022
This plan provides strategic direction and sets out focus areas for action across the continuum of prevention, early intervention, response, recovery and healing from domestic and family violence. It also…
October, 2000
This report delves into the increasing over-representation of Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system in NSW. It forms part of a response of a request by the Attorney General…
October, 2023
The New South Wales Police Force states the Aboriginal Strategic Direction is a document to guide in the management of Aboriginal issues, seeking a genuine level of Aboriginal community ownership.…