The Rudd Government’s Australia 2020 Summit has been widely reported on, yet the voice of young indigenous Australians has not often been heard. In this article, the National Indigenous Youth…
February, 2020
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The Stronger Families and Communities Strategy 2000-2004 was an Australian Government initiative funded by the Department of Family and Community Services to help build family and community capacity to deal…
This paper presents a summary of the information collected during FaHCSIA’s community engagement qualitative trial undertaken in the Australian Capital Territory metropolitan region and the Queanbeyan region as part of…
The findings and recommendations from the evaluation of the implementation and early outcomes are provided on the Social Policy Research Centre, on University of NSW’s website. The reports are made…
This article questions whether offshore native title claims are presenting discrete conceptual and practical obstacles for the judiciary. Its aim is to chart the proverbial waters and provide an overview…
A range of Indigenous population dynamics play out underneath the demographic picture that can be constructed from official statistics. Primary among these are temporary mobility practices. Although temporary movements are…
Jun, 2013
Despite acknowledgement of the over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families in statutory child protection services across Australia and understanding of the impact or broader social and…
This Outcomes Framework interprets the vision of the National Plan. It paves the way for the next 10 years, to achieve our goal, where Australia is a country in which…
July, 2001
This document, prepared by influential Aboriginal lawyer Noel Pearson, provides his analysis of the alcohol and drug problems being experienced in Far North Queensland, with the aim of informing strategy…
Sept, 2007
Maori are disproportionately over-represented in criminal justice statistics to an alarming degree. This paper attempts to shed light on why this is so. It examines the issue by considering the…
This report has been prepared to guide the delivery of better services to Indigenous people in the State and to measure the impact of these services over time. It compiles…
This is the third Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage report, prepared at the request of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG). It provides indicators of Indigenous disadvantage, with a focus on areas…
In 2002, Australian governments committed themselves collectively to overcoming the disadvantage experienced by Indigenous Australians. As part of this commitment governments agreed to a regular public report on progress. The…
In 2002, Australian governments committed themselves collectively to overcoming the disadvantage experienced by Indigenous Australians. As part of this commitment governments agreed to a regular public report on progress. This…
In 2002, Australian governments committed themselves collectively to overcoming the disadvantage experienced by Indigenous Australians. As part of this commitment governments agreed to a regular public report on progress. The…
The Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage report is the most comprehensive report on Indigenous wellbeing produced in Australia. It contains accessible data for an extensive range of wellbeing measures as well as…
This is the sixth report in the Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage (OID) series, which can trace its origins to the final report of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation in 2000. The…
December, 2019
This literature review addresses the overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the Canadian criminal justice system. It examines the extent of overrepresentation, its underlying causes, and some initiatives taken to address…
August, 2015
This report to the NT Government examines a number of incidents in August 2014 with young people detained at the Don Dale Youth Detention Centre involving the use of tear…