November, 2012
Twenty years on from the 1991 Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody in Australia the picture appears bleaker than in the early 1990s. This article adopts a post-colonial stance…
Aug, 2014
This study measures the rate of re-offending on parole in NSW, identifies the predictors of both general and violent offending on parole and describes the types of offences committed on…
There has been a great deal of recent discussion about violence in Indigenous communities. It is stated that violence is widespread within Indigenous communities, and is disproportionately high in comparison…
January, 2018
This study explored a range of factors that could account for the 50 per cent increase in the adult female custody population in NSW between 2011 and 2017. Of these,…
Jan, 2012
Current mulitparty support has created a historic opportunity to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first peoples of Australia, to affirm their full and equal citizenship, and…
January, 2020
Research indicated that justice interventions and heightened levels of supervision can increase the likelihood of future offending for low-risk populations and reduce the likelihood of offending for high-risk youth. Therefore,…
In this speech launching the United Nations International Year for the World’s Indigenous People, delivered in Redfern on 10 December 1992, the Australian Prime Minister argues that reconciliation with Australia’s…
September, 2018
Aboriginal overrepresentation in the criminal justice system in NSW is a significant problem. There are many challenges that contribute to Aboriginal overrepresentation and there aren’t any simple solutions. A significant…
Aboriginal people are overrepresented throughout the NSW criminal justice system, making up 24 per cent of its adult prisoners, and 52 per cent of juvenile detainees, despite being just 2.9…
Feb, 2015
This report examines a range of NSW Government programs aimed at reducing adult reoffending, including programs specifically targeting Aboriginal offenders. These include court-based interventions, alternative custodial sentencing options, prison and…
Dec, 2010
This article seeks to examine the relationship between the number of Indigenous defendants appearing in the NSW Local Court and the rate of Indigenous recidivism. A simple model of the…
Apr, 2002
With the commencement of the Young Offenders Act 1997 (NSW) in April 1998, youth justice conferencing was introduced across New South Wales as an alternative to a court appearance for…
This paper discusses the application of the ‘what works’ approach to the rehabilitation of Indigenous Australian offenders. It suggests that those from Indigenous cultures may not share some of the…
Nov, 2015
This research paper evaluates Australian attitudes to domestic violence. It was commissioned by the Australian Government to inform the development of a prevention of domestic violence campaign. The report finds…
June, 2007
In July 2003, the Queensland Premier referred some specific complaints of abuse of children in foster care to the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) for investigation. The CMC approached these…
The Melbourne Metropolitan Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee (RAJAC) wants to see fewer Koories coming into contact with the justice system and to improve communication and treatment when they do…
This project aims to identify whether there are patterns of offending and particular demographic characteristics that are linked to recidivism among the population of Indigenous males imprisoned for violent offences,…
The rate of female imprisonment in Western Australia is increasing at more than twice the rate of male imprisonment, and 40% of the women are Aboriginal. The inspection of Bandyup…
July, 2012
The physical facilities and service delivery models of the Boronia Pre-release Centre for Women were explicitly designed around a women-centred approach to corrections. This inspection report finds that it has…
This report of an unannounced inspection of Eastern Goldfields Regional Prison (WA), which is one of four “Aboriginal prisons” in Western Australia, finds the prison to be a distressing place,…
The Committee was required to inquire into the strength of Aboriginal customary law in the Northern Territory and to make recommendations as to what extent Aboriginal customary law might achieve…
The NSW Women in Prison Task Force Report was released in 1985. It contained 269 recommendations. Central to the report was the view that the number of women in prison…
September, 2017
This report investigates the detention, care and protection systems for children and young people in the NT. The report examines instances of abuse and mistreatment experienced by children, the vast…
September, 2017
This report investigates the detention, care and protection systems for children and young people in the NT. The report examines instances of abuse and mistreatment experienced by children, the vast…
September, 2017
This report investigates the detention, care and protection systems for children and young people in the NT. The report examines instances of abuse and mistreatment experienced by children, the vast…
September, 2017
This report investigates the detention, care and protection systems for children and young people in the NT. The report examines instances of abuse and mistreatment experienced by children, the vast…
September, 2017
This report investigates the detention, care and protection systems for children and young people in the NT. The report examines instances of abuse and mistreatment experienced by children, the vast…
September, 2017
This report investigates the detention, care and protection systems for children and young people in the NT. The report examines instances of abuse and mistreatment experienced by children, the vast…
September, 2017
This report investigates the detention, care and protection systems for children and young people in the NT. The report examines instances of abuse and mistreatment experienced by children, the vast…
June, 2013
The Department of Health and Ageing engaged the National Indigenous Drug and Alcohol Committee (NIDAC) to conduct six targeted community consultations to inform the development of the National Aboriginal and…
This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health,…
This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health,…
This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health,…
This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health,…
This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health,…
This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health,…
This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health,…
This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health,…
This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health,…
This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health,…
This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health,…
This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health,…
This annual report collates Indigenous data from the Report on Government Services. The Report examines the performance of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments in the provision of education, health,…
From May to September 2009, the Australian Government conducted extensive consultations with Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory about future directions for the Northern Territory Emergency Response (NTER). In its…
Sept, 2009
The Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FAHCSIA) contracted CIRCA to review the engagement and communication strategy for the NTER redesign consultations, and to observe a number…
In September 2005 an internal review of the Murri Court was commissioned to assess the court’s effectiveness and whether its operations can be improved with a view to making it…
Oct, 2002
The NSW Attorney General’s Department has undertaken a statutory review of the Young Offenders Act 1997(NSW), which is required to be reviewed every three years. This report brings together the…
This study, commissioned via a grants process, investigates factors that correlate with gambling-related problems among the Indigenous population. The report conducts a literature review on gambling and Indigenous people, examines…
Dec, 2003
The Mahi Tahi Trust works with prison inmates and their whanau (family), helping them to discover and recover traditional Maori principles, values and disciplines. The work is centred on four…
July, 2008
An industry roundtable to identify research priorities in the areas of improving Aboriginal prisoner health and reducing recidivism was held by the Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health in November…
Feb, 2015
As part of the inquiry conducted by the Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland which was established in 2014, focus groups were undertaken to better understand community…
Dec, 2012
This report outlines the findings and recommendations from the NSW Ombudsman’s audit of the implementation of the NSW Interagency Plan to Tackle Child Sexual Assault in Aboriginal Communities. The Interagency…
This issues paper discusses the dominant ways in which the causes of domestic violence are understood and the types of intervention with perpetrators that flow from these perspectives. The paper…
In September 2002, the South Australian Coroner brought down his findings in the inquests into the deaths of Kunmanara Ken, Kunmanara Hunt and Kunmanara Thompson, three young Anangu men who…
The overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the criminal justice system has long been a concern. Research has shown levels of substance use to be high among Indigenous offenders. The link…
These are the PowerPoint slides used as the basis of a conference paper presented at the ‘Cultural healing in criminal justice service delivery: an identification of best practice and innovation…
This chapter examines how indigenous and non-Indigenous women view their futures after domestic and family violence and seeks to explain the divergence between the two. The author uses their extensive…
The literature that has emerged around restorative justice often claims that restorative justice delivers more effective justice, partly because it offers community members and organisations a far wider role than…
Mar, 2001
This report provides an overview of restorative justice programs in Australia. While a wide range of programs may be broadly labeled ‘restorative’, the report mainly focuses on programs involving meetings…
Is it appropriate to apply restorative justice practices to cases involving domestic violence or family violence? After describing and evaluating claims made about restorative justice generally, this paper reviews the…
May, 2009
The debate surrounding the use of restorative justice (RJ) for domestic violence and sexual assault offences is becoming increasingly complex. The author examines the theoretical constraints on the ability of…
Nov, 2009
Since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, the issues of relations between police and Indigenous people, the detention of Indigenous people in police custody and the overrepresentation of…
Nov, 2007
The findings and recommendations of a body of Indigenous scholarship which indicated that violence and child sexual abuse had long existed within Indigenous communities, was reinforced through the release of…
For many societies, the consumption of alcohol and its related outcomes are deeply embedded in cultural, economic, legal and health systems. Yet alcohol is not an ‘ordinary commodity’. It is…
Nov, 2011
Around 30000 people live in the diverse region of the Kimberley in Western Australia, a significant proportion of whom are Indigenous. Both Indigenous and non-Indigenous members of Kimberly communities drink…
Restorative practices have often been considered both as emerging from the customs of Indigenous peoples, and ways of responding to crime that might be most suitable for Indigenous individuals and…
January, 2012
This report contains the results of the review conducted by the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia of the coronial practices and procedures followed in the state. The Commission consulted…
Aug, 2002
Despite considerable evidence of high levels of co morbidity, drug and alcohol treatment agencies and mainstream psychiatric services often fail to identify and respond to concurrent psychiatric or drug and…
Prepared for the New South Wales Minister for Juvenile Justice as part of a broader review of the juvenile justice system, this report identifies and describes effective practice in juvenile…
November, 2013
This is a review of Legal Aid NSW’s outreach services. The report draws upon the experiences of practitioners in providing outreach legal services, particularly the challenges that they have faced…
Aug, 2012
After a trial of several years, criminal infringement notices were introduced to all police operations in NSW in November 2007. The notices provide police with an easy, additional way to…
In July 2007, the Chief Justice announced the formation of a taskforce to deal with the rapid number of charges of sexual assault in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.…
Oct, 2011
First established in 2006 in Alice Springs, the Substance Abuse Intelligence Desk (SAID) has expanded over the past five years to include Dog Operation Units (DOUs) and funding for additional…
A major national review in 2006 noted that volatile substance use (VSU) is an issue in both Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities in Australia. The review found that ‘chroming’ (inhaling spray…
May, 2008
It is widely acknowledged is that Indigenous Australians experience violent victimisation at markedly higher rates than other Australians. However, as in all communities, some individuals, even within the same group,…
Jump to: navigation, search The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC) (1987?1991) was a Royal Commission appointed by the Australian Government in October 1987 to study and report…
This report contains the Aboriginal Justice Advisory Council’s assessment of the implementation of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. It discusses the structure of recommendations,…
September, 2017
This report investigates the detention, care and protection systems for children and young people in the NT. The report examines instances of abuse and mistreatment experienced by children, the vast…